Dr. Francesco Grecchi, MD, OMFS

Graduation in Medicine and Surgery at Università degli Studi di Milano in 1981. Academic Specialisation in General Surgery and Maxillo-Facial Surgery at Università di Milano. Chief of the Jaw Reconstructive Surgery and Advanced Implantology Unit of the Center of Diagnostics and Treatment for Head and Neck Diseases at Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi in Milan since 2000. Head of the Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit at Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi in Milan since 2002. Consultant of the Maxillo-Facial Surgery Unit at Istituto Stomatologico Italiano in Milan since 2017. Founding Partner of GISOS (Italian Association of Studies for Osseointegration and Osteosynthesis). Author and co-author of over 100 scientific publications. Lecturer on the occasion of national and international courses and conferences.

Contact STUDIO GRECCHI – Zygo Pro Center

Mon - Fri 08:00-16:00
Via Giovanni Boccaccio, 34, 20123 Milano MI, Italy

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Professor Ziv Mazor is one of the leading periodontists in Israel and among the first to perform dental implants. His "outside the box" thinking and innovative approaches are taught at his training center in Tel Aviv. Maintains a private practice dedicated to periodontology and dental implantology in Tel Aviv. Prof. Ziv Mazor runs a multidisciplinary private clinic in Tel Aviv that provide a solution to the entire range of dental treatments in collaboration with other physicians who are experts in their field. Prof. Ziv Mazor is one of the pioneers of dental implants in Israel, which he began performing as early as 1985; Since then, he devotes part of his time to clinical research on dental implants and bone grafts in collaboration with various universities and centers around the world. Prof Mazor is a renowned author in dental implantology and is known worldwide for his innovative approaches in cutting edge procedures and technologies. He is one of the most sought-after lecturers in the world in his field. He is a member of the continuing education faculty of New York University and Titu Miorescu University in Bucharest, Romania, where he holds the position of Associate Professor in the Department of Implantology. Prof. Ziv Mazor conducts workshops and advanced training for physicians around the world and is the only lecturer to have lectured for 25 consecutive years at the American Academy of Periodontology annual meetings.
Experience Premium Dentistry at an Affordable Price. That’s our vision and that’s how we like to thrive. ImplanTree International is a chain of Dental Clinics in India located at the heart of Chennai, Coimbatore, and Tirunelveli cities. It was co-founded by Prof. Dr. Johnson Raja James, internationally acclaimed dental implant surgeon and consultant and Dr. Sree Lekhsmi Midhun, a certified digital smile analyst and designer. A team of select best dentists from across the state now leads the dental centers effectively. Our vision of being a provider of premium dental treatment at an affordable rate was realized when ImplanTree International was adjudged as the Best Dental Implant Center in Chennai in 2019. The ImplanTree Dental Hospital is a fine combination of distinguished healthcare providers and international-standard approved infrastructure that offers advanced smile makeover, cosmetic dentistry, and painless orthodontic, periodontics and endodontic treatments, including Dental Implants, Computer-Aided Smile Design and Correction, Micro-dentistry based Root Canal Treatment, Teeth Whitening, Facial Aesthetics, and Oral Maxillofacial Treatments. As of now, our health care providers have created over 500+ smiles across India, Bangladesh, and UAE.

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